
Constitution and By-Laws of the Northern Neck Beekeepers Club

  ARTICLE I: NAME Section I: This organization shall be known as the Northern Neck Beekeepers Club

ARTICLE II: OBJECTIVES Section I: The objectives of this nonprofit organization shall be: To provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and views of mutual interest to beekeepers; To provide education on the practical aspects of beekeeping and to encourage the use of better and more productive methods; To foster cooperation between members of the Club; To promote understanding and cooperation between the Club and the community with regard to beekeeping; To promote the interests of the Club membership which relate to bees and beekeeping; To promote the use of honey, honey products, and other hive products.  

ARTICLE III: Membership  Section I: Anyone interested in beekeeping and in the beekeeping industry may join the Club upon payment of the regular annual dues.

ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section I: The officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  
Section II: The officers shall be elected by majority vote when a quorum (See Article IX) of members is present at the May meeting of each year and shall serve in that capacity for the next 12 months.  
Section III: The President and Vice President may serve no more than one term; however, they may be elected again after an interval of at least one year. The Secretary and Treasurer may be reelected without limitation, subject to their willingness to serve, and doing so to the satisfaction of the Club.

Section IV: The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence or during the remainder of the term if there is a vacancy in the position and will become President after his/her term is complete.  A new Vice President will be elected at the May meeting of each year.

Section V: In case of a vacancy in the position of Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, the President shall appoint a member to serve during the remainder of the term.

Section VI: Only paid members may serve as officers of the Club or as a delegate, chairman, or member of select committees.

  ARTICLE V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS  Section I: The President has the prime responsibility for the Club and the direction of its activities. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club using regular parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order. The President shall appoint all special committees, including the Program Committee; shall fill vacancies of any offices, and shall perform such other duties as the Club may direct. The President shall be authorized to make deposits and disburse all monies, should the Treasurer be unable to perform these duties. The President is expected to continue to serve as a member of the Executive Committee for one year after his/her term expires.

Section II: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or upon the President’s request. The Vice President shall act as chairman of the Program Committee.

Section III: The Secretary shall record the minutes and proceedings of the Club at each meeting and event; file and preserve all its documents; attend to all correspondence of the Club unless directed otherwise by the President; notify the members and general public of regular meetings and other activities, and attend other duties that naturally pertain to the office.

Section IV: The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies of the Club and shall keep a complete and accurate record showing the receipts and disbursements. Disbursements other than routine in nature must be approved by both the President and Vice President. Expenditures in excess of $100.00 must be approved by the general membership. The Treasurer shall keep a record of current membership and make the information available at each business meeting and inform the President, Vice President, and Secretary; and attend to those duties that naturally pertain to the office.

ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEES Section I: A Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the Club shall be appointed by the President. The committee shall nominate and present a slate of officers to the members at the April meeting of the year. Other names may be nominated from the floor at that time.

Section II: Special committees will be appointed by the President as needed.

Section III: The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and committee chairman, and shall include the immediate past President. The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the membership with respect to administrative decisions and shall make recommendations to the general membership. The President shall act as chairman of the Executive Committee.

Section IV: An Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President by the regular meeting in June. Its function will be to collect the books from the treasurer and secretary and report its findings to the Club at the regular meeting in July.

Section V: The Club Property Committee and its chairman shall be appointed by the President to keep accurate records of the quantity and location of all Club property. These records shall be filed with the Secretary and audited annually by the audit committee.

  ARTICLE VII: DUES  Section I: The annual dues of $ 15.00 shall be payable in advance to the Treasurer of the Club and shall be due on July 1 of the year covered.  The membership dues will be visited each May meeting and may be adjusted to meet the Club’s needs.  All memberships expire on June 30 of each year. Any member of the Club who becomes delinquent in payment of dues shall be dropped from the roll of membership after the November meeting and shall cease to be a member of the Club. A person who has been dropped from the roll or membership for non-payment of dues may be restored to active membership by paying the current year’s dues.

  ARTICLE VIII: MEETINGS  Section I: There shall be regular meetings of the Club to be held on the second Monday of each month. The Executive Committee may change a meeting during the month if circumstances require it. Meetings may be combined with special events such as workshops, dinners, picnics, etc.

Section II: In addition to the regular meetings, special programs may be presented at any time during the year.

Section III: Members of the Club shall be notified by mail, or by other means as appropriate, of the time and place of each meeting or special program.

Section IV: Membership in the Club is not required for attendance at meetings; however, only paid members may vote on any business conducted at the meeting.   Section V:  Only one vote per paid family unit will be allowed.

Section VI: Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

  ARTICLE IX: QUORUM  Section I: Twenty percent of the paid members of the Club shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Club.

  ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS Section I: When a quorum of members is present, this Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regularly scheduled meeting, provided that a written notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to each member of the Club not less than 15 days prior to the scheduled meeting as evidence by the postmark.  

ARTICLE XI: AFFILIATIONS  Section I: The Northern Neck Beekeepers Club may associate itself with any Beekeepers Club if the following conditions are met: Conditions of affiliation are reasonable and do not place a burden upon the fiscal structure of the Club and its members. The objectives of the proposed Club for affiliation are in harmony with those of this Club as listed in Article II of this Constitution and By-Laws. Written notice of the proposed affiliation has been sent to the members of this Club prior to the scheduled meeting at which a vote will be taken. A quorum of members is present at the scheduled meeting and two-thirds of the members attending vote for the proposed affiliation. Section II: The Northern Neck Beekeepers Club may disassociate itself from affiliation with any Beekeepers Association by a two-thirds vote at any scheduled meeting if a quorum is present and if written notice of the proposal has been sent to members of the Club prior to the meeting.